Weather Report for offline use

This takes the reports from and combines them into one html report which is available offline. It is meant for general reference and concept demonstration. This weather is from NOAA which may not be an approved source for your operation.

Save this page for offline use

Bookmark this page for offline use. On the iPad use the share icon in the upper left and use Add to Home Screen to create a button.

Offline: Retrieve the previous weather

Online only: get new NOAA weather

Use 4-letter ICAO codes separated by spaces.


How many hours do you want the METARS for:

Choose to open directly unless you are on a computer and want the file downloaded:

This is a backup method that uses a different method if the previous one fails.

Instructions on saving this page

This page can be saved to work offline and then retrieve the last weather report while offline. The best option is to save the page to your home screen. However, you can also simply bookmark it.

The exact text of the URL must match. Click this link for a clean load before bookmarking:

To save to home screen, select the icon in the upper right corner of Safari that is the square with an arrow point out of it. Choose "Add to Home Screen" on the bottom row. You will probably need to scroll to the right on the bottom row to see the option.


2021/11/01Major rewrite and re-hosting.
Updated: 2/18/2019